Why You Should Get Your Windshield Repaired as Soon as You See a Crack

Driving with a damaged windshield may seem like a minor inconvenience, but it can have significant consequences if not addressed promptly. As a leading provider of windshield repair service in San Diego, My Auto Glass emphasizes the importance of repairing cracks and...

Windshield Replacement San Diego: Unveiling Common Causes of Damage

Your windshield is an integral part of your vehicle’s structure. It contributes to your safety and overall driving experience. Recognizing its importance, prompt attention to any damage becomes crucial. My Auto Glass, your windshield replacement San Diego experts, are...

Why we use Pilkington Glass

We use Pilkington brand glass that most cars OEM using the same brand (most of my selection). It has thick lamination (quite and safety). Also reflects 97% light and Ray. Most BMW, Mercedes, Lexus, and Honda manufacturers use this (Pilkington).